Pieter Scholtz

Pieter Scholtz

Business man in butterfly pupa going through a metamorphosis to become a leader

Leadership Readiness: The Cocoon Metaphor

Leadership is a complex and evolving concept, with countless books, seminars, and courses dedicated to its mastery. One often overlooked aspect of leadership is the importance of being fully prepared before stepping into a leadership role. Just like a caterpillar needs to undergo a transformative process in a cocoon before becoming a butterfly, individuals aspiring […]

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Purpose, Passion, Vision: How do we Carve Strategies for Businesses?

In his book titled Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybel explains vision and passion as this: “Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.” There are two key components here that are the cornerstone of any strategic formulation. When we begin to assess what the picture of our lives and businesses should look like we need

Purpose, Passion, Vision: How do we Carve Strategies for Businesses? Read More »

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