Lets talk about Money
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Topics we discuss in the guide
Key Considerations
How do I obtain financing or funding to fund growth?
What’s the difference between Revenue, Gross Profit, Profit before Tax, and Cashflow?
SALES is vanity, PROFIT is sanity, but CASHFLOW will always be KING!
What numbers are critical to manage or measure to keep me focused on growth?
How do I balance demands on resources for various projects in the business?
What is a good ROI for my business?
How do I manage unrealistic demands for payments from creditors?
What value do I need to create for the shareholders of the organisation? What is realistic??
How do I generate 10x growth as opposed to 10% growth ?
My goal is to grow businesses, business owners and executive teams so that they are able to effect lasting change in the business community and their communities at large.
- Pieter Scholtz

How do I obtain financing or funding to fund growth?
Best Option
Ideally, your own funds if possible. This builds accountability.
Option 2
Business Loans from Financial Institutions against collateral that you may have – again, holding you accountable.
Option 3
Loans from family – enter into formal agreements regarding payback conditions.
Option 4
Business Incubators, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists – you will need a very clear business plan & business case. They will agree to fund your business based on your business plan as well as confidence in you as an individual and your ability to pull it off.
Option 5
Bootstrapping – whilst keeping your corporate job start your new business and fund from current income. Then you can grow from there until you are able to get the business standing on its own.
The difference between Revenue, Gross Profit, Profit before Tax, and Cashflow
The income earned from sales before deducting any business expenses. Revenue is also called the “top line number” because it’s typically located on the top of a company’s income statement.

Gross Profit
The amount of income left over after subtracting the cost of producing and selling products from total sales revenue.
Profit Before Tax
A measure of a company’s profitability that looks at the profits made before any tax is deducted. It matches all the company’s expenses, which include operating and interest expenses,
against its revenues, but excludes the payment of income taxes.

Cash Flow
Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of a company. Cash received signifies inflows, and cash spent signifies outflows. The cash flow statement is a financial statement that reports on a company’s sources and usage of cash over some time.
A detailed picture of what happened to a business’s cash during a specified period, known as the accounting period
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